What are the Key Benefits of Gum Grafting?

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Did you know that some of the possible causes of gum recession include genetics, periodontal disease, teeth grinding, and misalignment? If your teeth appear longer because of your receding gums, your natural dentist in Jupiter has probably discussed a gum graft procedure with you. If you’re not 100% sure about going through with this type of treatment, you may want to explore its benefits first.

Key Benefits of Gum Grafting

Restoration of a Your Healthy and Beautiful Smile

Have you ever wondered why people who’ve grown older are described as those who are “long in the tooth”? Although genetics can influence a person’s likelihood of experiencing gum recession, gums usually recede with age. Regardless of its underlying reasons, gum recession can be effectively addressed via a gum grafting procedure. As a result, this treatment can help restore your youth and bring back your healthy and beautiful smile.

Protection Against Tooth Decay

As your gum tissue recedes further down your tooth, the tooth’s roots become more exposed. It’s important to note that unlike the crowns of your teeth, the roots aren’t protected by the enamel. For this reason, exposed roots are more vulnerable to tooth decay. The best way to keep your tooth roots resilient to cavities is through gum graft surgery.

Preservation of Your Natural Jawbone

Did you know that gum recession can compromise the health of your jawbone? Bone atrophy, or the recession of the bone, takes place when the gum tissue recedes. This means that, even if your teeth are healthy, the bone underneath your gums will recede due to gum recession. With gum grafting, your teeth can have a stronger foundation as preserving your underlying jawbone is ensured.

Elimination of Tooth Sensitivity

When your teeth roots are exposed, your teeth become extremely sensitive to hot and cold. Since a gum graft covers the entire surface of the affected teeth, tooth sensitivity is reduced or eliminated each time you consume hot or cold foods and beverages.

Looking for a Natural Dentist in Jupiter?

At Prestige Periodontal and Implant Center, we don’t treat teeth; we treat patients. Our team of dental experts is trained to ensure we meet your smile goals. To experience a customized and therapeutic regimen, schedule your consultation today.