Are Mini Implants the Right Option for You?

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Anyone can suffer from tooth loss but not everyone can receive dental implants. With traditional dental implants, it was essential that patients fit a certain criterion – including a healthy jawbone with the right density and ideal sinus positioning – to be considered as a good candidate. Fortunately for many patients, mini implants in Jupiter have opened a door to restoration for them that otherwise may not be available.

Why Should You Restore Your Smile with Mini Implants?

You Want to Restore Your Smile Quickly

Mini dental implants function exactly like regular dental implants, but they’re smaller in size. Because they’re smaller, meaning the post that is inserted into the jawbone is shorter, a mini implant can be placed into your jawbone without certain complexities. Overall, the procedure is less invasive, which means less pain and shorter recovery time.

You Need Replacement for Your Front Teeth

Mini implants are oftentimes more suitable for replacing the front teeth. That’s because there’s less chance that post will be placed too close to a nerve or the sinus area. Mini implants are also suitable for replacing small teeth. Since front teeth are usually smaller compared to molars and premolar, mini implants can make a great replacement for your missing front teeth.

You Need to Replace a Missing Tooth Located in a Narrow Area

This smaller take on a dental implant offers more flexibility in where it can be placed. Everyone’s anatomy is unique. So, if you need a missing tooth replaced in a narrow area, a mini dental implant may fit better, offering a more effective result.

Looking for Mini Implants Jupiter?

Mini implants in Jupiter might be the right solution for you. To work with a periodontist who’s best interest is your oral health and overall wellbeing, visit our holistic doctor at [practice:node]! Contact us for inquires!