The Basics of Dental Implant Care

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You should be excited if you’re about to get holistic implants in Jupiter. Besides making you feel more confident about your smile, this tooth-replacement solution restores your chewing power and natural speech patterns, preserves your jawbone, maintains your facial structure, and keeps adjacent teeth stable. However, you should practice good dental implant care if you want to reap the full benefits of your new smile.

Caring for Your Dental Implants

Use a Nylon Toothbrush

You might need to switch toothbrushes after getting dental implants. It’s best to steer clear of hard-bristled ones that can scratch the surface of your dental restoration. You’ll want to use a nylon toothbrush because it features pliable bristles that allow you to clean your implants gently.

Don’t Use Abrasive Oral Hygiene Products

Some oral hygiene products are too abrasive for your new teeth. Likewise, using products with intense flavors, such as cinnamon or mint, can cause extreme discomfort in the mouth. Do yourself a favor by using sensitive cleaning toothpaste or mouthwash once you get your dental implants.

Floss at Least Once Every Day

Statistics show that only 16% of American adults floss daily. If you’re part of the 84% of people who aren’t flossing enough, you’ll want to change your ways now that you have dental implants. Moreover, flossing becomes more crucial than ever with your new artificial teeth because it prevents plaque and tartar from building up around your implants, causing various oral health issues. Be glad to know that you can find many types of flosses designed specifically for dental implants. If you always forget to take time out of your day to floss, consider setting a reminder on your phone, stashing floss in your purse or car, flossing while watching TV, and rewarding yourself for flossing. 

Considering Holistic Implants in Jupiter?

At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, we want our patients to experience a customized therapeutic regimen tailored to address their specific oral health concerns. Contact us today to make an appointment.