Common Misconceptions about Dentures

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Are you looking for a beautiful and affordable teeth-replacement option? Your answer may just lay in dentures! Unfortunately, they get a bad rap for being uncomfortable and looking fake. However, advancements in dentistry paved the way for more comfortable and natural-looking dentures in Jupiter. This article will debunk common myths and misconceptions about dentures that may have caused you to turn away in the past.

What are the Common Misconceptions about Dentures?

You Can’t Eat Properly with Dentures.

Dentures may feel uncomfortable at first. However, as your gums heal and your facial muscles adjust to holding them in place, you’ll forget they are even there! Dentists recommend that after you get dentures, it’s best to start with soft foods and gradually re-introduce other foods back into your diet. It will allow you the time you need to get used to eating with dentures. Over time, you’ll be eating comfortably like nothing has changed!

You Can’t Talk Properly with Dentures.

This is simply not true. Dentures allow you to pronounce words better than when you were missing most of your teeth. However, you need to make sure your dentures fit well, so they don’t slip off while you’re talking. If they do, visit your dentist and have them adjusted.

Dental Implants are Better than Dentures

Dental implants are a great way to replace a missing tooth or many missing teeth. Unfortunately, not everyone is an excellent candidate to receive implants. Nor does everyone have the budget for it. A lot of people prefer dentures because the process of getting one is much less invasive and affordable.

Denture Repairs Take A While

Overall, take care of your dentures and they will last for many years to come. However, you may need to have them adjusted from time to time. Never try to adjust your denture on your own! Doing this can damage your dentures, which may require you to get new ones. Moreover, denture repairs don’t take forever. With today’s same-day repairs and replacement, you can have your dentures repaired almost immediately!

Looking for Dentures in Jupiter?

Don’t let misconceptions stop you from getting dentures! They’re affordable and fantastic for replacing missing teeth.  At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, we offer good-quality dentures to give you back your healthy and happy smile.