Lesser-Known Facts About Holistic Dentistry

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If you’re seeking natural alternatives to healthcare, it wouldn’t be surprising if you want to know more about holistic dentistry. A holistic dentist in Jupiter addresses your oral health concerns with your whole-body health in mind. They don’t just strictly focus on your teeth because they believe that oral care is linked to total body care.

Facts About Holistic Dentistry You’d Want to Know

Holistic Dentistry Balances the Bacteria In Your Mouth

Your mouth doesn’t exist in a vacuum because it is an integrated part of your body. It also reflects the health of your total body. For instance, the bacteria present in gum disease are the same bacteria found in the hearts of patients who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, in the cancer cells of those with pancreatic cancer, and in the brains of those who struggle with Alzheimer’s. To improve your oral and overall health, it’s the holistic dentist’s job to balance the bacteria in your mouth.

Holistic Dentistry Promote the Removal of Amalgam Fillings

Did you know that holistic dentistry doesn’t just clean and fix teeth? Your holistic dentist addresses your dental needs with your entire well-being in mind. For this reason, they don’t use dental amalgams to fill cavities caused by tooth decay because they want to protect their patient’s health, as well as the environment. They use the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART) technique to remove amalgam fillings and replace them with biocompatible materials.

Holistic Dentistry Maintains a Different View on Fluoride

While conventional dentists encourage their patients to use toothpaste with fluoride or fluoridated water, most holistic dentists advise against doing so. Since the absorption of too much fluoride through the mouth lining can be toxic to the body, they recommend a safer way to prevent tooth decay via topical ozone therapy.

Holistic Dentistry Uses High-Tech Treatments

Since holistic dentists focus on modern technologies that allow them to carry out minimally-invasive procedures, you won’t be missing out on high-tech treatments. Some of the state-of-the-art technology they use include impression scanning, laser treatments for treating gum disease, same-day crowns, ceramic dental implants, and advanced 3D low dose digital X-rays.

The Best Holistic Dentist Jupiter

At Prestige Periodontal and Implant Center, you can expect to experience a customized therapeutic regimen that’s tailored to address your specific oral concerns. Schedule your appointment today!