Top Questions Smokers Ask About Dental Implants

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If you’re a smoker, you wouldn’t need anyone to tell you about tobacco’s long-term effects on your body. However, if you’re planning to replace your missing teeth with holistic implants in Jupiter you may be wondering about your chances of having a successful outcome. To give you the information you need, we’ve compiled the most common questions smokers ask about dental implants.

Does Smoking Hinder Dental Implant Surgery?

Nicotine, tobacco, and smoke can have a negative impact on dental implant surgery. Cigarette smoking causes mouth dryness because the smoke burns the oral tissues and block the salivary glands. Since dry mouth can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, it weakens the gum and bone tissues that hold the implants in place. After the procedure, the body needs extra oxygen to heal. Nicotine restricts blood flow that carries oxygen to your gums and bone. It doesn’t matter if it’s introduced through a nicotine patch or a cigarette – exposure to nicotine slows down the healing process and weakens the immune system defenses. The dental implants are designed to fuse with the jawbone through the process of osseointegration to provide a stable foundation for the new teeth. Unfortunately, tobacco and nicotine prevent good integration of the implants and the surrounding bone. Research shows that the risk of osseointegration failure is much higher for smokers than nonsmokers.

Can I Smoke Before My Procedure?

To ensure best the chances of success, it’s best to stop smoking as far in advance of your dental implant procedure as possible. Consider quitting the habit at least two weeks before your appointment.

How Long Do I Have To Wait To Smoke After My Procedure?

It’s especially crucial to avoid smoking within the first 72 hours following your dental implant procedure. During this time, your body is producing blood clots that can help prevent bacteria and food particles from getting into the surgical site. However, if you want to reduce your risk of implant failure, it’s best to wait two to three months after your surgery before smoking a cigarette.

Do You Need Holistic Implants in Jupiter?

At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, our goal is to make you love your smile. Request an appointment today to experience a customized therapeutic regimen tailored to address your specific oral concerns.