What Are the Common Causes of Gum Disease?

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Symptoms of a severe gum infection may prompt you to research gum disease treatment in Jupiter. Although plaque buildup is often the most common culprit behind this oral health issue, several others may also increase the risk of gum disease.

Top Causes of Gum Disease

Plaque Buildup

In most cases, gum disease develops due to the buildup of a thick film of bacteria called plaque on the gums and teeth. Since regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing can effectively remove plaque, improving your oral care routine can help you reduce your chances of developing gum disease.

Smoking Tobacco Products

Smokers are more vulnerable to gum infections because smoking interferes with the normal function of the cells in the gum tissue. If you’re a smoker, it’s best to kick the habit so that you can steer clear of gum disease and other health issues.

Prescription Medications

dry mouth encourages the bacteria in your mouth to spread more readily. Unfortunately, certain medications produce side effects that reduce saliva production and flow. If your meds leave you with a dry mouth, be sure to let your doctor know about this.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Although getting all of your daily vitamins takes hard work and dedication, you’ll have to ensure that you’re getting enough vitamin C. Otherwise, this nutritional deficiency can wreak havoc on your gums. To avoid gum disease, be sure to drink lots of water and maintain a balanced diet that’s rich in vitamin C.

Crooked Teeth

Misaligned teeth can have more spaces where plaque can quickly build up and cause damage to your teeth and gums. If you have crooked teeth and a crowded mouth, be sure to take extra care to brush and floss to prevent gum disease.

Do You Need Gum Disease Treatment in Jupiter?

At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, we utilize every means possible to help you achieve oral health while maintaining total body compatibility. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.