What are the Common Laser Treatments?

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Laser dentistry in Jupiter has been around longer than you think. It is used to treat numerous dental problems, from tooth sensitivity to removing soft tissue folds. A laser can be used instead of drills or anesthesia, which makes laser treatments a more comfortable treatment option for numerous dental procedures. The laser also minimizes bleeding, reduces damage to the surrounding tissues, aids faster healing, and limits the chance of infection. If you want a more comfortable treatment, then you should consider laser dentistry. In this article, we will tackle the common laser treatments available today.

What are the Common Laser Treatments?

Cavity Detection

Laser dentistry in Jupiter can help detect cavities early, especially in hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, including in-between teeth. It does this by finding early signs of tooth decay.

Dental Fillings

The traditional method of preparing teeth involves the use of anesthesia and a drill. But with laser dentistry, your tooth can be restored without these things. Plus, lasers can help destroy bacteria in a cavity, which can help promote the long-term health of your tooth.

Tooth Sensitivity Treatment

Laser treatments can help treat tooth sensitivity by sealing tubules that are found on the roots of a tooth.

Fixing a Gummy Smile

Not everyone is comfortable having a gummy smile. Others wish they could fix it, so they can have a confident and more attractive smile. The laser can help treat a gummy smile by reshaping gum tissue and lengthening it to cover more of the tooth.

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening aims to reshape the gum tissue and bone for a healthier tooth structure. This procedure helps strengthen the teeth to properly support restorations.

Removing Soft Tissue Folds

Soft tissue folds can get in the way of a denture and cause them to become ill-fitting when worn. Through laser dentistry, these folds can be removed without any pain or sutures to improve the fit of your dentures.

Looking for Laser Dentistry in Jupiter?

Laser dentistry in Jupiter offers more comfortable alternative treatments to various dental procedures. At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, we offer laser dentistry to guarantee that your procedures are comfortable and safe. Contact us for inquiries!