What Are the Dental Effects of Missing Teeth?

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Did you know that many Americans between the ages of 20 and 64 have at least three or more missing teeth? Unfortunately, missing teeth is more than just a cosmetic issue. Unless they’re replaced by dental implants in Jupiter, your missing teeth can seriously affect your oral health. Dental implants are known to be the gold standard of tooth replacement. Aside from restoring the appearance of your teeth, they also provide you with a permanent solution for missing teeth.

Consequences of Missing Teeth

Difficulty Chewing

Your teeth are meant to tear and gnash the food you eat. Without them, you may experience difficulty chewing some of your favorite foods. When your front teeth are missing, you won’t be able to break off bites. Likewise, without your back teeth, it will be impossible for you to grind up meat. It’s important to note that failure to chew your food well can significantly impact your body’s digestive system. Missing teeth can cause you to become vulnerable to problems that include acid reflux.

Bite Misalignment

The space that your missing teeth create along your jawline causes your other teeth to shift and move over time. Their movement can lead to problems associated with your jaw’s natural alignment, making it difficult or painful for you to bring your teeth together each time you bite. Since a misaligned bite can also make it more challenging for you to clean your teeth, it increases your risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease.

Bone Loss

Did you know that your teeth provide your jaw bone with the stimulus it needs to maintain its strength? Losing one tooth or more teeth weakens your jaw bone and reduces its density.

Speech Issues

The large gaps between your remaining teeth can make it challenging for you to properly pronounce certain words. Missing teeth can cause you to whistle, slur, or spit when you’re talking.

Considering Dental Implants in Jupiter?

At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, we’re here to give you a full, functional smile that you can proudly show off. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.