What are the Different Tooth Replacement Options?

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As much as possible, the moment you lose a tooth, replace it immediately with a tooth replacement in Jupiter. You may think that losing a tooth or a couple of teeth is no big deal. But in reality, it affects your teeth’ alignment, the appearance of your face, and your oral health. But with so many tooth replacements available today, how do you know which option is right for you? Let’s find out. 

What are the Different Tooth Replacement Options Available Today?

Dental Implants

If you’re looking for a reliable and permanent tooth replacement in Jupiter, you should consider getting a dental implant. A dental implant is a fixture that is surgically placed into your jawbone. It acts as an artificial tooth root, which helps support a replacement tooth. What’s great about a dental implant is that it helps prevent bone loss, behaves like natural teeth, and lasts a lifetime. They’re also easy to care for! 

Partial or Complete Dentures

Partial or complete dentures are perfect for you if you want to replace your missing teeth but are on a budget. Dentures are the most affordable tooth replacement option available today. Restoring your missing teeth with dentures will allow you to eat a wide variety of food, speak comfortably, and smile with confidence. The only downside about dentures is that they can get ill-fitting overtime. But we now have implant-supported dentures. They’re more reliable, sturdy, comfortable, and longer-lasting. 

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge can be used to replace a missing tooth or many missing teeth. They’re the perfect solution for you if you still have natural teeth surrounding your gap. That’s because a dental bridge uses the neighboring teeth on both sides of your gap to secure itself and restore your smile

Looking for a Tooth Replacement in Jupiter?

Replace your missing tooth or many teeth today with a tooth replacement in Jupiter! At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, we offer natural dental implants at a reasonable price! Contact us for inquires!