A frenum is a naturally occurring muscle attachment whereby small strands or bands of muscle attach the lips, cheeks and tongue to bone near the teeth (either upper or lower). The properly positioned frenum plays little to no role in the function of muscles of facial expression or gingival (gum) health. A poorly positioned frenum, however, may have detrimental effect on: 

  • Tongue – short frenum restricts tongue movement and impedes speech
  • Recession – poorly positioned frenum will cause gum pull
  • Diastema – an overgrown and long frenum will prevent the front teeth from closing together

A frenectomy is a release of the frenum from its bone base. The frenum is simply trimmed to satisfy the desired effect and sutures are usually not necessary.

Those undergoing orthodontic treatment in Jupiter need to be evaluated to see if the removal of an abnormal frenum can increase the stability and improve long-term success of the final orthodontic result.

Scheduling an examination with Dr. Fotek will allow to determine if a frenectomy would benefit the life long health of your gums and improve your smile.

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