Mini Dental Implants Myths Debunked

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If you’re looking for a way to secure your dentures in place or fill in the small gaps in your mouth where regular dental implants couldn’t fit, then mini implants Jupiter is a solution you should try. Mini implants offer the same benefits as regular implants do but without the jaw-dropping price.  But there are a few people who doubtful about getting them because of some misconceptions. To disprove these misconceptions, here are some mini dental implants myths debunked:

Mini implants are Not for Long-Term Solutions

As long as your mini implants Jupiter are implanted properly, then it will most likely last. You also need to practice good oral hygiene and follow any specific care instructions your dentist has asked you to do to help make your implants last

Mini Implants are Expensive

Mini implants are more affordable compared to regular implants. And because they’re a long-term solution they’re cost-effective compared to other restorative solutions that need to be replaced every now and then. This will actually help you cut down on costs in the long run. 

Mini Implant Surgery is Invasive 

Mini implant surgery is less invasive compared to regular implant surgery. Because it is small in size, the incisions that need to be made are also small. This means that you will experience less pain during recovery compared to regular implants. 

The Surgical Process Takes Forever

What’s surprising about mini implants is that it’ll only take two hours to install it in your mouth. So, you can walk out of the clinic with a brand-new healthy, beautiful smile!

Looking for Mini Implants Jupiter

Don’t let misconceptions stop you from getting the treatment you deserve. At Prestige Periodontal & Implant Center, we offer high-quality mini implants Jupiter that are tailored to address your specific oral concerns. Call us today for inquiries or visit our website to schedule an appointment online!