Periodontal disease is never cured… very much like diabetes.  It is a well-established fact that periodontal disease, peri-implantitis (infections around implants), and tooth decay are caused by uninhibited bacterial buildups on the teeth and gums.  Even meticulous home care performed by the most motivated patients, leaves areas of hidden plaque accumulation. 


After achieving periodontal stability, the chronic condition is controlled with quality home care, along with professional hygiene care.  Periodontal maintenance is the key to professional hygiene care.  The frequency of these maintenance visits will vary according to your individual needs. However, studies show that after active periodontal therapy, it takes merely three months for the bacteria and their toxins to repopulate the pockets to the point where they caused the problem in the first place.  Most patients are able to maintain periodontal and oral health when they schedule periodontal maintenance visits every 3 to 4 months.

During your maintenance visit, our skilled hygienist will:

  • Review and update your medical history
  • Review and update your radiographs (x-rays) if they are not current
  • Perform an oral cancer screening
  • Meticulously evaluate your periodontal health and home care habits

Your teeth and gums will then be meticulously cleansed with a personalized regimen using a piezo ultrasonic machine and hand scalers, then finished with a thorough polishing.  If found necessary, adjunct antimicrobials may be placed into your gums or nitrous oxide (laughing gas) may be used to help put your anxiety at ease.  This appointment should be a pleasant and relaxing one.   

Good periodontal and oral health has proven benefits that extend beyond clean teeth and gums. It can affect:

  • Blood sugar regulation among diabetics
  • Your heart
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Respiratory and reproductive health 
  • And more!

Don’t underestimate the importance of your maintenance hygiene appointment; it is so much more than “just a cleaning”.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment at our Jupiter office, please give us a call!

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