Periodontics And Women

Changing hormones can lead to changes in oral health. So, when it comes to periodontal health, women especially are at risk of developing health issues. That’s why it’s essential to see our periodontist in Jupiter regularly.


Periodontics And Puberty

As progesterone and estrogen increase, causing an increase in blood flow to the gums, young women may experience more gum sensitivity and irritation. If it persists, though, it’s time to see our dentist!

Periodontics And Menstruation

Some women not only have to deal with menstruation but also have to handle “menstruation gingivitis.” During this time of fluctuating hormones, women can experience puffy, sore, bleeding gums that should clear up once their cycle is over.

Periodontics And Pregnancy

Just like menstruation gingivitis, women may also experience pregnancy gingivitis. Your gums reflect what’s going on inside your body. So, increased levels of progesterone can lead to the growth of more bacteria. If left untreated, this can develop into periodontist, which may then affect your pregnancy, leading to preterm birth and low birth weight.

Periodontics And Menopause

Menopausal and post-menopausal women will also see a change in their mouths. Oral discomfort and dry mouth are not uncommon. So, if this issue persists, it’s time to come in for a visit.

Are You Looking For A Periodontist In Jupiter?

Your smile reflects your health! If you’re experiencing gum sensitivity, redness, or other worrying symptoms, contact our office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Paul Fotek.

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